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Corruption / Folha de São Paulo



FOLHA DE São Paulo

Brazil has a long history of corruption and unscrupulous politicians involved in scandals. In the year of the soccer World Cup in Brazil, Folha de São Paulo, the newspaper with the highest credibility in the country, used the context of soccer to make a statement about its investigative journalism. The video shows politicians caught on hidden cameras taking and pitching bribes. The voice over of Silvio Luiz, a famous soccer narrator, makes a perfect match between his trademark catch phrases and the scenes of bribery. 

(sorry, it’s in portuguese only)



Another piece was created based on Brazil’s culture of corruption. During the administration of president Dilma Rousseff, seven of her cabinet members lost their positions because of suspicious conduct, which were raised and investigated by Folha de São Paulo. We remembered the cases to sell subscriptions to people who want to know the truth behind the facts.
